International Journal of Neurology and Brain Disorders

ISSN: 2377-1348
Editor In Cheif
Igor Grachev

Editor In Chief

About Journal

International Journal of Neurology and Brain Disorders aims to broadcast novel work related to Neurological disorders. IJNBD is craving to provide a valuable podium for all the academicians, scientists, researchers and students across the globe to encourage, discuss and share the novel discoveries related to neuroscience.

IJNBD intends to provide researchers in the field of neurology with the novel studies, which can save millions of lives worldwide. Identifying and protecting new discoveries could form the basis of new therapeutics, diagnostics or developing methods from the research of foremost international researchers. IJNBD covers all the functional areas of medical sciences that concerned with the brain and nervous system disorders. Diseases involving the peripheral and central nervous systems, somatic nervous systems are dealt with the treatment of neurology. Neurology involves the diagnosis, treatment of disease or malfunctioning of the brain, muscles, peripheral nerves, spinal cord and autonomic nervous system, as well as the neural blood vessels. Patients who have a variety of disorders including strokes, headaches, seizure disorders, dystopia, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, peripheral nerve disease, traumatic injuries to the nervous system, learning disorders, Huntington's, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease are treated by Neurologists. Some neurologists are also affianced in neurological rehabilitation. Many neurological problems are considered by debilitating, pain, can be chronic and difficult to treat.


Editor-in-Chief’s philosophy
International Journal of Neurology and Brain Disorders was founded five years ago as one of Ommega Open-Access Library journals to publish the top of the art medical, scientific and fundamental research in the very broad field of emerging Neurology and Neurological Sciences. As a part of Ommega Open-Access Library family we are aiming to maintain and develop access to journal publication collections as a research resource for students, teaching staff, researchers, industrialists, and patients and their families. Today we have a broad network of many thousands of new contributors from hundreds of top ranking world universities, non-profit organizations, academic laboratories, diagnostic, device, biotech and pharmaceutical companies who submitted their important pieces of research with several thousand of new high quality articles already published or in press or under editorial review and will be published in the nearest future.
IJNBS promote a rapid review process and immediate release of high quality accepted papers, but at the same time we advocates for high standards and ethical codes regarding accuracy, transparency and honesty in all scientific communications. Our editorial board promotes such environment in which scientific communication can occur across multiple scientific and clinical disciplines to make a substantial progress in the field of neurological sciences and brain disorders with preserved high standards in ethical principles of authorships, research and scientific integrity. We share the best practice and ethical standards, principles and polices developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). ICMJE developed these recommendations to review best practice and ethical standards in the conduct and reporting of research and other material published in medical journals, and to help authors, editors, and others involved in peer review and biomedical publishing create and distribute accurate, clear, reproducible, unbiased medical journal articles. These recommendations have been adopted by many biomedical journals, including IJNBD, and posted at
We are focused to revolutionize scientific communication to make it accessible to everyone around the world, to make it highly searchable in key modern and well respected medical and scientific databases, and to reshape the future of Medicine and Healthcare. For all these reasons we welcome your submissions to promote the Neurological sciences and foundation of all ethical principles of scientific research and communication. We also will be asking some of you to serve as reviewers when invited to do so per your scientific expertise because we are committed in a fair review process and you opinion will be critical for the final acceptance and go/no-go suggestion about reviewed manuscript. As part of our continuous commitment to serve the field of Neurology, Neurological Sciences and Brain Disorders, we always welcome your suggestions for innovative ideas for continuing to improve our journal and review process. Thank you all for important work you doing every day, your dedication and contribution to scientific research and community, IJNBD and for selecting our journal to make your contributions the most impactful and published papers to be highly cited.

Aim & Scope

Neurology, being a branch of medicine, differs from neuroscience, which is the scientific study of the nervous system in all of its aspects. Some neurologists also develop interests in subfields, such as dementia, chronic pain management, multiple sclerosis, movement disorders, headaches, epilepsy, sleep disorders, stroke, or neuromuscular diseases. Ommega Journals aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on the latest discoveries and current developments. IJNBD is available online for free access to all. This journal is open to share knowledge and help others focused on the latest advancements.



Central and peripheral nervous systems
Somatic nervous systems
Clinical neurology neurosurgery
Neurology stroke
Sleep disorders
Alzheimer's disease
Parkinson's disease
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Movement disorders
Complex regional pain syndrome
Mental disorder
Mental retardation
Anxiety disorders
Impulse control disorders
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Cerebral palsy
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Spina bifida
Tourette syndrome

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neurology, american board of pyschiatry, neuro center, case report, neurology journal, pediatric neurology, raleigh, wilson, Sleep disorders, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease