Dynamics of Cattle Price Determination in Mubi International Livestock Market, North-Eastern, Nigeria
Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal Polytechnic, Nigeria
Corresponding Author
Kubkomawa Hayatu Ibrahim, Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal Polytechnic, Pmb 35, Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria, Tel: +2347066996221; E-mail: kubkomawa@yahoo.com
Kubkomawa, H.I. Dynamics of Cattle Price Determination in Mubi International Livestock Market, North-Eastern, Nigeria. (2017) J Vet Sci Animal Welf 2(1): 1- 12.
Copy rights
© 2017 Kubkomawa, H.I. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The objectives of the study were to examine the dynamics of price determination and major constraints faced by cattle marketers in Mubi international livestock market, Adamawa State, Nigeria. One hundred (100) marketers were randomly selected for interviews and discussion on cattle marketing dynamics. Data generated were subjected to descriptive statistics to explain the trend of cattle marketing in the study area. Market prices of cattle in Mubi are determined by visual evaluation which incorporates element of indicators such as breed, age, sex, colour, body condition score, temperament, anus stain and the purpose of buying the animals. Inadequate market information, manipulative ways of market intermediaries, high cost of transportation, lack of infrastructure and credit facilities, fluctuation in demand and supply, cattle rustling and buying of stolen animals, inadequate security within the market place and on the roads and payment of heavy taxes and clearing of checkpoints on the roads formed constraints faced by the marketers. Therefore, a cattle marketing in the study area and Nigeria, in general, is predominantly controlled by intermediaries who benefit more, while primary producers and the end consumers do not get the desired value for their efforts. It is recommended that, since cattle marketing are not isolated from national and international political and socio-economic policies, the interactions between the marketers and broader sectors should be taken into account in order to generate holistic and reliable data that would inform effective interventions.