Occurrence of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Subjects with Metabolic Syndrome: Role of Adiponectin
Tiziana Di Chiara, Salvatore Corrao, Alessandro Raffa, Antonio Pinto,
Dipartimento Biomedico di Medicina Clinica e Specialistica, Università degli studi di Palermo (ltaly)
Corresponding Author
Rosario Scaglione, MD, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, Piazza delle Cliniche 2, 90127 Palermo (Italy), Tel: 91-6552155/ Fax: 91-6552175; E-mail: rosarioscaglione@yahoo.it
Scaglione, R., et al. Occurrence of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Subjects with Metabolic Syndrome: Role of Adiponectin. (2017) J Diab Obes 4(1): 7-10.
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© 2017 Scaglione, R. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This study was designed to evaluate the role of total plasma adiponectin (ADPN) on the occurrence of left ventricular hypertrophy in subjects with metabolic syndrome (MetS) compared to a control group without MetS. The main finding of our study concerns the independent predictor role of ADPN in the occurrence of LVH in all the patients studied. Accordingly, circulating ADPN might be considered a nonhaemodynamic factor of LVH in subjects with MetS.