There Will Be a “Surgeromics†In Our Future? Where the Relationship between Technological Innovation and Knowledge and Surgery is Leading Us
Department of Surgery, Director Programma of Coloproctological Surgery, University of Ferrara, Italy
Corresponding Author
Michele Rubbini, Int’al Fellow ASCRS, Associated Professor of Surgery, Dept. of Surgery, Director Programma of Coloproctological Surgery, AUSL di Ferrara, Via Cassoli ,3044121 – Ferrara, Italy, Tel: +390532235669/ Fax. +390532235776; E-mail:
Rubbini, M., et al. There Will Be a “Surgeromics” In Our Future? Where the Relationship between Technological Innovation and Knowledge and Surgery is Leading Us. (2016) J Gastro Dis Liver Func 2(2): 68- 72.
Copy rights
© 2016 Rubbini, M. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Technological innovation and evolution of knowledge have always conditioned surgery both in technique and in the indications: it has resulted in a general greater well-being for patients. What will be the role of surgery in the future is currently under discussion. Here we show that SNPs genotyping leads the path towards personalized medical therapies. In the future it is therefore conceivable that genomics may lead the full personalized treatment plan. So, the need for surgery will depend upon the relationship between the individual genotype and a constellation of factors, able to influence the effectiveness of surgery. Finally, we introduce a new “omics” able to characterize the future of surgery: “Surgeromics”, a neologism binding surgery to its individual determinants.