Chris has championed global perspectives in higher education and particularly the development of global citizens who understand the need for sustainable development; she has led a number of ‘green’ initiatives and has worked with other universities, NGOs, and businesses to develop the agenda and implement change. Recent projects include: implementing the Earth Charter; Sustainable Food City Partnership; Sustainable Fish City; understanding attitudes and conservation behaviours in relation to energy; capacity building for sustainability. Chris was previously on the executive in the Business School, then Director for the Centre for Global Perspectives. She is now in the Faculty of Science and Technology at Bournemouth University. She currently teaches on the MSc Green Economy, supervises research in all aspects of sustainable development and contributes to the environmental agenda within the university and in the community.
1. Globalisation and sustainability (particularly the inter-connection)
2. Leadership for sustainable development
3. Green economy
4. Conservation/environmental volunteering
5. Sustainable cities
6. Behaviour change in relation to conservation/ developing greener attitudes and practices
7. Food security
8. Holistic approaches to sustainable development
9. Capacity building to enhance the environment
1. Shiel, C., & Jones, D. (2015) (forthcoming). Sustainability and Social Justice: Leadership Challenges. In Assembling and Governing the Higher Education Institution: Democracy, Social Justice and Leadership in Global Higher Education. Palgrave.
2. Shiel, C., & Williams, A. (2015). Working Together, Driven Apart: Reflecting on a Joint Endeavour to Adress Sustainable Development Within A University. In Leal Filho W et al. (Ed.), Integrative Approaches to Sustainable Development at University Level, World Sustainability Series (pp. 425-447). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
3. Shiel, C., Leal Filho, W., & do Paço, A. (2015). Putting Sustainable Development in Practice: Campus Greening as a Tool for Institutional Sustainability Efforts. In Sustainability in Higher Education. Cambridge: Woodhead/Elsevier.
4. Shiel, C., Leal Filho, W., & do Paço, A. (2015). Integrative Approaches to Environmental Sustainability at Universities: an overview of challenges and priorities. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, 1-14. Retrieved from
5. Shiel, C., Lealh-Filho, W., do Paço, A. M., & Brandli, L. (2015). Evaluating Universities Engagement in Capacity Building on Sustainable Development at Local Communities. Special Issue of the Journal “Evaluation and Program Planning\".
6. Shiel, C., & Williams, A. (2014). Working together, driven apart: Reflecting on a joint endeavour to address sustainable development within a university. In 2nd World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities (WSSD-U-2014). Manchester.
7. Newton, A., Cantarello, E., Shiel, C., & Hodder, K. (2014). Lessons Learned from Developing a New Distance-Learning Masters Course in the Green Economy. Sustainability, 6(4), 2118-2132.
8. Paço, A, Alves, H., Shiel, C. & Leal Filho, W. (2014): An analysis of the measurement of the construct “buying behaviour†in green marketing, Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, Available at:
9. Paço, A., Alves, H., Shiel, C., & Leal Filho, W. (2013) Conserving Behaviour: A Replication of the ENVIROCON Scale in Four Countries APCBEE Procedia, pp44-49 Elsevier, Science Direct
10. Shiel, C. (2013). Leadership. In S. Sterling, M. Larch, & H. Luna (Eds.), The Sustainable University: progress and prospects (pp. 110-131). Routledge.
11. do Paço, A., Alves, H., Shiel, C., & Filho, W. L. (2013). A multi-country level analysis of the environmental attitudes and behaviours among young consumers. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56(10), 1532-1548. doi:10.1080/09640568.2012.733310
12. Paço, A., Alves, H., Shiel, C., & Leal Filho, W. (2013). Development of a green consumer behavior model. International Journal of Consumer Studies.
13. Shiel, C. (2013). Building Capacity: Enabling University Leaders to Serve as Role Models for Sustainable Development. International Journal of Sustainability Education, 8(1), 29-45. Retrieved from
14. Shiel, C., & do Paco, A. (2012). The Impact of University Policies for Sustainable Development: a Comparison of students from two Institutions, One in the UK and One in Portugal. In W. Leal Filho (Ed.), Sustainable Development at Universities: New Horizons (pp. 575-585). Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH.
15. Shiel C (2012) Enabling University Leaders to role model sustainable development in Leal, W (Ed) Sustainable Development at Universities: New Horizons, Peter Lang Scientific Publishers, Frankfurt
16. Shiel C (2012) (Editor) Global Vision, Local Action: Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference, Bournemouth University, published April.
17. Shiel C (2012) Are we there yet? Developing Global Perspectives at Bournemouth, Global Vision, Local Action, in Proceedings of 4th International Conference, Bournemouth University, Sept.
18. Shiel C (2010) Learning and Teaching: where next? Report of learning and teaching issues in Business Schools, BMAF, HE Academy, available at
19. Shiel C (2009) Review of Journeys around Education for Sustainability, edited by J. Parker and R. Wade, London South Bank University, London, 2008 in The International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, Vol 2, No. 9, pp 51-52,
20. Bourne, D and Shiel C (2009) Global Perspectives: Aligning Agendas in Environmental Education Research Journal, Volume 15 Issue 6, 661
21. Shiel C (2009) Global Perspectives and Global Citizenship: Understanding the views of our learners, International Journal of Learning, 16 (6), pp. 689-720.
22. Shiel C (2008) Introduction in, Atfield R. and Kemp, P. (2008) (eds) Enhancing the international learning experience in business and management hospitality leisure sport tourism, Newbury: Threshold Press
23. Shiel C (2008) Embedding e-resources in Distance Learning: A New Way of Working but is Learning Enhanced? International Journal of Learning , Volume 15, Common Ground
24. Petford, N and Shiel C (2008) A holistic approach to the ‘globalisation’ agenda at Bournemuth University: the role of senior management in Shiel C and McKenzie A (Ed) The Global University: the role of Senior Managers, pp 20-25, BU/DEA, ISBN 978-1-900109-31-4
25. Shiel C and McKenzie A (Ed) (2008) The Global University: the role of Senior Managers, BU/DEA, ISBN 978-1-900109-31-4
26. Shiel C and Takeda S (Eds) (2008) Education for Sustainable Development: Graduates as Global Citizens, Proceedings of an International Conference, Bournemouth, September, ISBN: 978-1-85899-238-9
27. Shiel C (2007) Developing the Global Citizen: the way forward? The International Journal of Learning, Volume 14, Issue 4, pp153-168
28. Shiel (2007) ‘Developing and embedding global perspectives across the university’, in Marshall S, (Ed) Strategic Leadership of Change in Higher Education, chapter 13 pp 158-173, Routledge, London and New York.
29. Shiel C (2006) ‘Developing the global citizen’, Academy Exchange: Supporting the student learning experience, Issue 5, Winter 2006, pp 13-15, The Higher Education Academy, ISSN 1748-5533
30. Bourn D, McKenzie A and Shiel C (2006) The Global University: the role of the curriculum, DEA 978-1-900109-28-4