Enrique Seoane-Vazquez is the Director of the Center for Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy, at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, and Associate Professor in the area of Pharmaceutical Economics at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Boston. He holds a Ph.D. in Social and Administrative Pharmacy from the University of Minnesota.Dr. Seoane conducted 35 research projects as a principal/co-principal investigator for a variety of sponsors including Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Ohio Medicaid, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System, Inter-American Development Bank, World Bank, and World Health Organization.
Dr. Seoane areas of research interest relate to pharmaceutical economics and policy at the state, national and international levels. Recent research projects focus on economic of MTM, economics and regulation of pharmaceutical innovation, prices and reimbursement of drugs and medical devices, intellectual property, drug shortages, and FDA regulation and policy.
1. Marie Dacey, William McCloskey, Caroline Zeind, Magdalena Luca, Lisa Woolsey, Carol Eliadi, Enrique Seoane, Rebecca Couris. Development of a Questionnaire to Assess Health Profession Student Knowledge of Older Adults. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 2014;6(2):233-244.
2. Kevin Outterson, John H. Powers, Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Aaron Kesselheim. Approval and Withdrawal of New Antibiotics and Other Antiinfectives in the U.S., 1980–2009. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics (Impact Factor 1.215 ) 2013;41(3): 688-696.
3. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Kerry Spielberger (student), Enrique Seoane.Examination of Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies and Drug Safety in the US.Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy (Impact Factor: 2.350) 2013 20.
4. Bander Balkhi (student), Lita Araujo-Lama (student), Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguezâ€Monguio, Sheryl Szeinbach, Erin Fox. Shortages of Systemic Antibiotics in the United States: How long can we wait? Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research 2013;4(1):13-7.
5. Diane Nguyen (student), Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Michael Montagne. Changes in FDA Enforcement Activities Following Changes in Federal Administration: The Case of Regulatory Letters Released to Pharmaceutical Companies. BMC Health Services Research (Impact Factor: 1.660)2013; 13:27.
6. Sheryl L. Szeinbach, Enrique Seoane, Kent Summers. Development of the Men's Preference for Testosterone Replacement Therapy (P-TRT) Instrument. Patient Preference and Adherence (Impact Factor 1.143) 2012;6(631-41).
7. Jay Visaria (student), Enrique Seoane, Sheryl L. Szeinbach, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Comparing the Cost of Community Pharmacy and Mail-Order Pharmacy in a US Retirement System. International Journal of Health Planning and Management (Impact Factor: 1.022) 2012; 27(1):e41-50.
8. Paul Le (student), Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Erin R. Fox, Sheryl L. Szeinbach, Allen R.Dunehew, Michael Montagne. The Prevalence of Pharmaceutical Shortages in the United States. Journal of Generic Medicines, 2011:8(4):216-223.
9. Zaina Qureshi (student), Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Kurt Stevenson, Sheryl Szeinbach. Market Withdrawal of New Molecular Entities Approved in the United States from 1980 to 2009. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (Impact Factor: 2.342) 2011;20(7):772-7.
10. Andrew P. Beyer (student), Sheryl L. Szeinbach, Enrique Seoane, Joseph A. Gliem, Justin Doan, Greg S. Vander Wal, Kenneth L. Lichstein. Assessing the Reliability and Validity of a Newly Developed Insomnia Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (ITSAT-Q). Sleep Medicine(Impact Factor: 3.430), 2010;11(8):766-71.
11. C. Daniel Mullins, Brian Seal, Enrique Seoane, JayashriSankaranarayanan, Carl V. Asche, RavishankarJayadevappa, Won Chan Lee, Dorothy K. Romanus, Junling Wang. Good research practices for measuring drug costs in cost-effectiveness analyses: Medicare, Medicaid and other US government payers perspectives: the ISPOR Drug Cost Task Force Report--Part IV. Value in Health(Impact Factor: 2.342), 2010:13(1):18-24.
12. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Enrique Seoane, Fernando AntoñanzasVillar. Health Policy in Canada: Challenges and opportunities. Electronic Journal of Biomedicine, 2009;2:66-75. Available at: biomed.uninet.edu/2009/n2/rmonguio.html.
13. Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Enrique Seoane. The Patent Life of Antiretroviral Drugs Approved by the FDA between 1987 and 2007. AIDS Care (Impact Factor:1.684), 2009;21(6):Jun 3:1-9.
14. Tara L. Hanuscak (student), Sheryl L. Szeinbach, Enrique Seoane, Brendan Reichert, Charles McCluskey. Evaluation of causes and frequency of medication errors during information technology downtime.American Journal of Health-Systems Pharmacy (Impact Factor:2.097), 2009;66(12):1119-1124.
15. Katharine A. Sheldon (student), Enrique Seoane, Sheryl L. Szeinbach, Crystal Tubbs. Exploring Risk and Ease of Use for Insulin Delivery by Nurses. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice (Impact Factor: 1.003), 2010;16:199–201.
16. Katharine A. Sheldon (student), Enrique Seoane, Sheryl L. Szeinbach, Crystal Tubbs. Usefulness of the Plan-Do-Study-Act Process to Implement a New Insulin Delivery System in a Hospital Setting. Letter. Editor Reviewed. American Journal of Health-Systems Pharmacy (Impact Factor:2.097), 2009;66(12):1074-1075.
17. Binita Patel-Naik (student), Sheryl L. Szeinbach, Enrique Seoane, Melissa J. Snider, Margueritte S. Hevezi. Managing Oral Anticoagulation Therapy by Pharmacists in a Specialty Heart Hospital. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice (Impact Factor: 1.003), 2010;192-195.
18. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Sheryl L. Szeinbach, Andrew P. Beyer, Jay Visaria. Analysis of the Impact of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act on Pharmaceutical Patents. Food and Drug Law Journal (Impact Factor:0.526), 2009;64(1):171-182.
19. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, Sheryl L. Szeinbach, Jay Visaria. Incentives for Orphan Drug Research and Development in the United States. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases (Impact factor: 3.143), 2008;3(33):7pp. Available at: www.ojrd.com/content/3/1/33.
20. Enrique Seoane. Drug Selection and Adverse Drug Reactions: Balancing Outcomes and Costs. Editorial. Editor Reviewed. Electronic Journal of Biomedicine 2008;2:3-5. Available at: biomed.uninet.edu/2008/n2/editorial-en.html.
21. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Access to Essential Drugs in Guyana: A Public Health Challenge. International Journal of Health Planning and Management (Impact Factor:0.811), 2008; Jun 5:15 pp.
22. Enrique Seoane, Stephen Schondelmeyer, Sheryl L. Szeinbach. Drug Patent Life and Generic Entry: Analysis of the New Molecular Entities Approved by the FDA between 1980 and 1999. Journal of Pharmaceutical Finance, Economics & Policy, 2008;16:4:67-85.
23. Enrique Seoane, Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio. Endoscopy-Related Infections: A Relic of the Past? Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases (Impact Factor:4.350), 2008; 21(4):362-6.
24. Jaclyn M. LeBlanc (student), Enrique Seoane, Trudy C. Arbo, Joseph F. Dasta. International Critical Care Hospital Pharmacist Activities. Intensive Care Medicine (Impact Factor:5.055), 2008;34(3):538-42.
25. Jaclyn M. LeBlanc (student), Enrique Seoane, Joseph F. Dasta. Survey of Hospital Pharmacist Activities Outside of the United States. American Journal of Health-Systems Pharmacy (Impact Factor: 1.708), 2007;64:1748-55.