David Hammond



David Hammond is the principal consultant at Hammond Clinical Trial Consulting, LLC where his practice focuses on regulatory issues associated with research,& development, and FDA requirements that apply to bio-medical and health products. Mr. Hammond holds an MS in Biomedical Regulatory Affairs and has an extensive background in medical research. He provides advice to early stage and established biomedical product companies on regulatory issues across the product lifecycle, from bench top to clinical research, FDA pre-market requirements, labeling, and promotion and advertising. A key aspect of his practice focuses on working with companies creating Lab Developed Tests (LDTs) and helping those groups maneuver the changing FDA regulations. Through his consulting he holds management positions in clinical research, regulatory affairs and quality systems for a number of local medical device companies.
David also holds a faculty position in the University of Washington School of Pharmacy's Biomedical Regulatory Affairs program and is Director of the Clinical Research program.
Mr. Hammond advises clients on a diverse group of medical and health products, including medical devices, drugs, biologics, and dietary supplements. He has experience with in vitro diagnostics, medical software, blood & plasma products, usability evaluations, and health and wellness devices. He advises clients engaged in all aspects of clinical research, including industry sponsors, non-profit research organizations, Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), and CROs. Mr. Hammond advises clients on compliance with FDA, DHHS and HIPAA regulations governing use of human subjects; he has extensive hands-on experience with human subjects protection and IRB functions as the Research Integrity Director and Chair of the Bastyr University IRB.
David has presented at several national and regional conferences on clinical research and regulatory topics and is the author of numerous articles in ACRP’s Clinical Research, RAPS’ Focus and the Journal of Clinical Research Best Practice.


Area of Interest

1.Prostate Cancer
2.Cardiovascular health
3.In vitro diagnostics
4.Post-market safety analyses
5.Big data/meta-analyses
6.Clinical research operations

top publication

1.Hammond D. “Usability and Self-Selection Trials –– Clinical Studies of Human Factors.” Regulatory Focus. May 2014. Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society.
2.“Genetic Testing & the Enrichment Clinical Trial Design,” D Hammond and J Wei. The Monitor. December 2011. Volume 25, Issue 6.
3.“Verifying and Validating Clinical Data Management Software,” S. Hammond and D. Hammond. Journal of Clinical Research Best Practice. Journal of Clinical Research Best Practice (2008) Vol. 4, No. 11.
4.“Non-Significant Risk Determinations: Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should,” D. Hammond. Journal of Clinical Research Best Practice (2008) Vol. 4, No. 10.
5.“Evaluating Clinical Research Education,” D. Hammond. Journal of Clinical Research Best Practice (2008) Vol. 4, No. 9.
6.“Treatment of Periodontal Disease by Photodisinfection Compared to Scaling and Root Planing,” R. Andersen, N. Loebel, D. Hammond, M. Wilson. Journal of Clinical Dentistry (2007) Vol. 18, No. 2.
7.“Non-Surgical Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis Using Photoactivated Disinfection,” N. Loebel, R. Andersen, D. Hammond, S. Leone and V. Leone, J Dent Res 85(Spec Iss A):1150, 2006 (www.dentalresearch.org).