Mohammad Habib Raza



Prof. Mohammad Habib Raza He was awarded University medal for standing first in the Pre-Medical examination of Aligarh Muslim University. He joined the teaching faculty of Aligarh Muslim University as Lecturer in 1988. He was appointed as Reader/ Associate Professor in Aligarh Muslim University in 1998 and Professor of Surgery in 2006. He has published many papers in International and National Journals. He started Laparoscopic Surgery and Gastrointestinal Endoscopy at J.N. Medical College in 2004. His field of interest is gastrointestinal endoscopy and Laparoscopic Surgery. He is also the elected member of Academic Council and member of the Ordinance Committee of Aligarh Muslim University. He is also the elected member of Academic Council and member of the Ordinance Committee of Aligarh Muslim University.


Area of Interest

Oesophageal Cancer, Gall bladder Cancer, Laparoscopic Surgery, Gastro interstinal endoscopy

top publication

1. Haemorrhoids or anal melanoma, importance of preoperative histopathological: a case report. Sherwani RK, Kumar A, Raza MH. Pol J Pathol. 2010;61 (1): 46-8.
2. Biliary Cystadenoma Minicking Hydatid Cyst. Raza M.H., Rab A.Z., Khan S., Ahmad R. The Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology 2009, Vol. 15, Issue 3, 199-200
3. Rectal Barotrauma Causing Colonic Perforation: A Rare Case Report. Harris S.H. Raza M.H. The Middle East Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2003, Vol. 3(1), 131
4. Crohns Disease of the Colon: Difficulties in the diagnosis. Ashraf S.M., Raza M.H., Sebha Medical Journal, Libya, 1999, Vol. 2(1), 64-65.
5. Serum Immunoglobulin levels in Non-Diabetics, Diabtics and Diabetics with Surgical Complications. Raza M.H. Ibrahim A.M. Eshnaf. Sebha Medical Journal, Libya, 1999, Vol.2(1), 33-37.
6. The work of Abul Qasim al -Zahrawi and his contribution to Modern Surgery. Raza M.H., Aleem. JIMA of North America- 1994, 26, 32-34.
7. Surgical Sympathectomy in Advanced Buerger;s disease (Abstract Raza M., Taqeer M., Saadiya S. JIMA of North America- 1993 (25) 132.
8. Biliary peritonitis due to rupture of Intra-hepatic duct. Raza M.H., Hussain M.A, Postgraduate Med. Journal, 1992, 490.
9. Coeliac plexus block in patients with intractable Abdominal Pain Raza M.H. Proceedings of the Conference of the Royal College of Surgeon and Physicians (Glasgow) 1992,282-286.
10. Gentamicine induced dose related alterations in lipid levels and lipid peroxidation in central auditory pathway of the rat. Aslam M.H., Khan N.A, Raze MH, Exp. Pathol. 1990; 38; 165-169.
11. Primary Osteogenic Sarcoma of the maxilla. Aslam M., Raza M.H., Tyagi S.P. Pakistan Jr. of Otolarygology, 1988, 4, 103¬105.