Guangyi Wang

Associate Dean & Professor


Dr. Wang received his Ph.D. in Microbiology at the University of California at Davis in 2000 and thereafter joined Jay D. Keasling’s research group as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of California at Berkeley. In 2003, he joined the University of Hawaii at Manoa as an Associate Professor.  In 2010, he joined Peking University at Shenzhen as a Distinguished Professor (Pengcheng Scholar) and established Peking University Key Engineering Laboratory for Algal Biofuel and Biotechnology.  In 2013, he was invited to join Tianjin University as a Distinguished Professor (1,000 elite programs) to start a new research and education program on Marine Science and Biotechnology. Currently, he is the Founding Director of Tianjin University Center for Marine Environmental Ecology and the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education & International Affairs (School of Environmental Science & Engineering).  Dr. Wang has authored over 50 peer-reviewed papers, chaired numerous sessions or panels for international conferences, and delivered numerous invited talks and lectures. 


Area of Interest

1)Diversity, carbon cycling, and molecular ecology of marine eukaryotic microbes (e.g., fungi and Labyrinthulomycetes (fungal-like protist)
2)Molecular mechanims of DHA and EPA biosynthesis in thraustochytrids
3) Biological and molecular mechanims of lipid production in marine micro-algae
4)Marine microbial ecology

top publication

1. J. L. Li, N. Li, F. C. Li, T. Zou, S. X. Yu, Y. C. Wang, S. Qin* and G. Y. Wang* (2014) Spatial diversity of bacterioplankton communities in surface water of Northern South China Sea. PLoS ONE 9(11): e113014. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0113014.

2. J. S Fang, L. Zhang, J. T. Li, C. Kato, C. Tamburini, Y. Z. Zhang, H. Y. Dang, G. Y. Wang, and F. P. Wang (2014) The POM-DOM piezophilic microorganism continuum (PDPMC).The role of piezophilic microorganisms in the global ocean carbon cycl. Science China Earth Science doi:10.10007/s11430-014-4985-2.

3. X. Wang, P. Singh, Z. Gao, X. B. Zhang, Z. J. Johnson, and G. Y. Wang* (2014) Distribution and diversity of planktonic fungi in the West Pacific Warm Pool. PLoS ONE 9(7):2101523.doi:10.137/journal.pone.0101523.

4. P. Singh, Y. Liu, L. Li, and G. Y. Wang* (2014) Ecological Dynamics and biotechnological implications of thraustochytrids from marine habitats. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 98:5789-5805.

5. Y. Liu, P. Singh, Y. Sun, S. J. Luan and G. Y. Wang* (2014) Culturable diversity and biochemical features of thraustochytrids from coastal waters of Southern China. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 98:3241-3255.

6. M. Q. Hao, X. H. Liu*, M. N. Feng, P. P. Zhang, and G. Y. Wang* (2014). Generating power from cellulose in an alkaline fuel cell enhanced by methyl viologen as an electron-transfer catalyst. Journal of Power Source 251:222-228.

7. X. W Yang, X. Dai, R. Zhang, C. Shao, S. Geng, G. Y. Chen, X. H. Liu, and G. Y. Wang* (2013) Long-chained alcohols derived from the microalga Monoraphidum. Advances in Energy Research 2:107-116.

8. J. L. Li, F. C. Li, S. X. Yu, S. Qin* and G. Y. Wang*. (2013) Impacts of mariculture on the diversity of bacterial communities within intertidal sediments in the Northeast of China. Microbial Ecology 66:861-870.

9. Q. Li, X. Wang, X. H. Liu, N. Z. Jiao, and G. Y. Wang*. (2013) Abundance and novel lineages of thraustochytrids in Hawaiian waters. Microbial Ecology 66:823-830.

10. X. H. Liu*, M. Q. Hao, M. G. Feng, L. Zhang, Y. Zhao, X. W. Du, and G. Y. Wang (2013) A one-compartment direct glucose alkaline fuel cell with methyl viologen as electron mediator. Applied Energy 106:176-183.

11. X. W. Yang, X. Dai, H. Guo. S. Geng and G. Y. Wang*. (2013) Petrodiesel-like straight chain alkane and fatty alcohol production by the microalga Chlorella sorokiniana. Bioresource Technology 136:126-130.

12. X. Wang, S. Kono, X. H. Li and G. Y. Wang*. (2013) The ecological perspective of microbial communities in two pairs of competitive Hawaiian native and invasive macroalgae. Microbial Ecology 65:361-370.

13. H. Guo, M. Darocha, L. Liu, G. Y. Qiu, S. Geng and G. Y. Wang*. (2013) Biochemical features and bioethanol production of microalgae from coastal waters of Pearl River Delta. Bioresource Technology 127:422-428.

14. M. Daroch, S. Geng, and G. Y. Wang* (2013). Recent advances in liquid biofuel production from algal feedstocks. Applied Energy 102:1371-1381.

15. S. H. Kim, D. P. Lu Lu, S. H. Park and G. Y. Wang* (2012) Production of hydrogenases as biocatalysts. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37:15833-15840.

16. P. Singh, X. Wang, K. M. Leng, and G. Y. Wang* (2012). Diversity and Ecology of Marine Derived Fungi, In E. B. Gareth Jones and K. L. Pang (eds). Marine Fungi and Fungal-like Organisms Labyrinthulomycetes and Oomycetes. De Gruyter, Germany. Pages 367-391.

17. G. Y. Wang*, X. Wang, X. H. Liu and Q. Li (2012) Diversity and biogeochemical function of planktonic fungi in the Ocean. Progress in Molecular Subcellular Biology 53:71-88

18. H. N. Song, Z. H. Li, B. H. Du, G. Y. Wang* and Y. Q. Ding*. (2012) Bacterial communities in sediments of the shallow lake Dongping in China. Journal of Applied Microbiology 112:79-89.

19. Q. T. Zhang, J. Ma, G. Y. Qiu, L. Li, S. Geng, E. Hasi, C. Li, G. Y. Wang, and X. Y. Li. (2012) Potential energy production from algae on marginal land in China. Bioresource Technology 109:252-60.

20. Z. Gao, X. Wang, A. K. Hannides, F. J. Sansone, and G. Y. Wang*. (2011) Diversity and distribution of bacterial communities in redox-stratified sandy reef sediments. Chinese Journal of Oceanography and Limnology 29 (6):1209-1223.

21. B. Zhi, W. Wang, G. Y. Wang, and X. B. Zhang (2011). Contribution of the caspase gene sequence diversification to the specifically antiviral defense in invertebrate. PLoS ONE 6(9):e24955. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0024955.

22. Z. Liang, A. Sorribas, F. J. Sulzmaier, J. I Jimenez, X. Wang, T. Sauvage, W. Y. Yoshida, G. Y. Wang, J. W. Ramos, P. G. Williams and (2011) Stictamides A-C, 4-amino-3-hydroxy-4-phenylpentanoic acid containing MMP12 inhibitors. Journal of Organic Chemistry 76: 3635-3643.

23. E. R. Nesbitt*, P. Thiers, J. Gao, S. Shoemaker, M. Garcia-Perez, J. Carrier, J. Doran-Peterson, J. Morgan, G. Y. Wang, P. C. Wensel, and S. L. Chen (2011) Chinafs vision for renewable energy: The status of bioenergy and bioproduct research and commercialization. Industrial Biotechnology 7(5):336-348.

24. J. L. LiCZ. H. WangCS. Qin*Cand G. Y. Wang* (2011) Community structure and . Acta Microbiologica Sinica 51:656-666.

25. X. Wang, X. H. Liu, and G. Y. Wang*. (2011) Two-stage hydrolysis of invasive algal feedstock for ethanol fermentation. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 53F246-252.

26. J. Matthews, Q. Z. Li, and G. Y. Wang*. (2010) Characterization of hydrogen production by engineered Escherichia coli strains using rich defined media. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 15:686 . 695.

27. Z. Gao, Z. I. Johnson, and G. Y. Wang*. (2010) Molecular characterization of the spatial diversity and novel lineages of mycoplankton in Hawaiian coastal waters. The ISME Journal 4:111-120.

28. J. Matthews and G. Y. Wang*. (2009) Metabolic pathway engineering for enhanced biohydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34:7404-7416.

29. S. Y. Kim, E. Seol, Y. K. Oh, G. W. Wang, and S. H. Park. (2009) Enhanced hydrogen production and metabolic flux analysis of metabolically engineered Escherichia coli strains. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34:7417-7427.

30. G. Y. Wang*, S. H. Yoon, and E. Lefait. (2009) Bacterial communities associated with the invasive Hawaiian sponge Mycale armata. The ISME Journal 3:374-377.

31. G. Y. Wang and Z. I. Johnson. (2009) Impact of Parasitic Fungi on the Diversity and Functional Ecology of Marine Phytoplankton. In: W. T. Kersey and S. P. Munger (eds). Marine Phytoplankton. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, NY. Pages 211-228.

32. D. P. Lu, P. G. Williams, and G. Y. Wang (2009) Metabolic Engineering for Development and Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals. In: Junhua Tao, Guoqiang Lin and Andrea Liese (eds). Biocatalysis for the Pharmaceutical Industry . Discovery, Development and Manufacturing. John Wiley & Sons Asia (Pete) Ltd, Singapore. Pages 243-271.

33. G. Y. Wang and J. Matthew (2009) Potential Application of Synthetic Biology in Marine Microbial Functional Ecology and Biotechnology. In: Pengcheng Fu; Martin Latterich; Sven Panke (eds). Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Pages 573-588.

34. Q. Z. Li. and G. Y. Wang* (2009) Diversity of fungal isolates from three Hawaiian marine sponges. Microbiological Research 164:233-241.

35. Z. Gao, B. L. Li, C. C. Zheng, and G. Y. Wang* (2008) Molecular detection of fungal communities in the Hawaiian marine sponges Suberites zeteki and Mycale armata. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74:6091-6101.

36. G. Y. Wang*, Q. Z. Li and P. Zhu. (2008) Phylogenetic diversity of culturable fungi associated with the Hawaiian sponges Suberites zeteki and Gelliodes fibrosa. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 93:163-174.

37. P. Zhu, Q. Z. Li, and G. Y. Wang* (2008) Unique microbial signatures of the alien Hawaiian marine sponge Suberites zeteki. Microbial Ecology 55:406-414.