Amer Sehic

Associate Professor


Dr.Amer Sehic, completed his post graduation in 2010 on Introduction to Microarrays, Norwegian Microarray Consortium, University of Oslo. He gave more than 16 Regional, National and International Presentations. In the year 2008 and 2005 he received Incitement Prize for Best Project Paper at Faculty of Dentistry, University of Oslo (supervisor of best master project) and Incitement Prize for Best Project Paper, Faculty of Dentistry,University of Oslo. Published more than 20 research articles.


Area of Interest

1) Oral Biology
2) Dental hygiene
3) Craniofacial Biology

top publication

1) Khuu C, Sehic A, Eide L, Osmundsen H. Functions of miR-363-5p in oral cancer. Submitted.

2) Khan QES, Sehic A, Risnes S. The morphological variations of human mandibular premolars. Manuscript in progress.

3) Sidaly R, Khan QES, Risnes S, Stiris T, Sehic A. The effect of hypoxia on the development of mouse incisor enamel. Submitted.

4) Khan QES, Sehic A, Khuu C, Risnes S, Osmundsen H. Expression of Clu and Tgfb1 during murine tooth development: effects of in-vivo transfection with antimiR- 214. Eur J Oral Sci. 2013;121(4):303-312.

5) Sehic A, Nirvani M, Risnes S. Incremental lines in mouse molar enamel. Archives of Oral Biology 2013;58(10):1443-1449.

6. Khan QES, Sehic A, Skalleberg NS, Landin MA, Khuu C, Risnes S, Osmundsen H. Expression of delta-like 1 homologue and insulin-like growth factor 2 through epigenetic regulation of the genes during development of mouse molar. Eur J Oral Sci. 2012;120(4);292-302.

7) Sehic A, Risnes S, Khuu C, Khan QES, Osmundsen H. Effects of in vivo transfection with anti-miR-214 on gene expression in murine molar tooth germ. Physiological Genomics 2011;43(9):488-498.

8) Khan QES, Press CM, Sehic A, Landin MA, Risnes S, Osmundsen H. Expression of prion gene and presence of prion protein during development of mouse molar tooth germ. Eur J Oral Sci. 2010;118(6):559-565.

9) Sehic A, Risnes S, Khan QES, Khuu C, Osmundsen H. Gene expression and dental enamel structure in developing mouse incisor. Eur J Oral Sci. 2010;118(2):118- 130.

10) Sehic A, Khuu C, Risnes S, Osmundsen H. Differential gene expression profiling of the molar tooth germ in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPAR-alpha) knockout mouse and in wild-type mouse: molar tooth phenotype of PPAR-alpha knockout mouse. Eur J Oral Sci. 2009;117(2):93-104.

11) Sehic A, Peterkova R, Lesot H, Risnes S. Distribution and structure of the initial dental enamel formed in incisors of young wild-type and Tabby mice. Eur J Oral Sci. 2009;117(6):644-654.

1) 2008 Incitement Prize for Best Project Paper at Faculty of Dentistry, University of Oslo (supervisor of best master project)
2) 2005 Incitement Prize for Best Project Paper, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Oslo