Exploring How a Palliative Care Team Impacts the Grieving Process for Families after the Death of a Child
Palliative Care in Children with Cancer in a Developing Country: Report of the Pediatric Oncology Cooperative Research Group
Self-Assessment for Competency and Educational Needs of Physician Trainees Regarding Pediatric Palliative Care
Mentoring in Occupational therapy and Physiotherapy, its place in a Palliative Medicine multidisciplinary mentoring program
Alternative Incision to Remove Larger Spleen in Laparoscopic Splenectomy in Pediatric Population: A Case Report
Mindfulness Meditation: One holistic Approach to Reduce Pain and Suffering in Patients with Chronic and/or Life Threatening Diseases.
Management of Pneumatosis Cystoides Intestinalis in Scleroderma: A Case for Cautious and Coordinated Care
Family members of Muslim patients with chronic illness and their attitudes towards life sustaining treatments